A full size webpage can be published on your website, using our javascript widget.

Jobseekers are scored in a few seconds.

Embed the code in your website and get instant Jobseeker scoring for your job postings.


Here are some samples sites using our Scoring Webpage Widgets:






The buildYcareers webpage is powered by our javascript widget and has thousands of job opportunities in construction, property management, and real estate. Jobseekers are scored in a few seconds.





The cannYcareers webpage is powered by our javascript widget and has thousands of job opportunities in the new cannabis industry. Jobseekers are scored in a few seconds.



To evaluate the experience of a Jobseeker use Jobseeker chrome Extension LINK
To evaluate the experience of a Hiring Manager use Jobposter chrome Extension LINK
To see live job postings with the embedded widget LINK

Geescore™ and Geemode

Geescore.com is a website targeted to Jobposters (Companies), Jobseekers, Web Publishers, and potential CoFounders and Investors. Our goal is to explain and promote the Geescore™ solution, and to encourage trial and usage.

Geemode.com is a website targeted to Organizations such as Publishers, that want to use the Geescore™ solution for Jobseeker scoring in a website sidebar, in a full page, as an embedded script in their job postings and lists of jobs. To facilitate this we have ready-built widgets and APIs.