by Frank Abrams,
Founder Geescore™

Latest Update: In early 2019. we are launching a Beta program of the Geescore™ scoring tool, getting feedback from 1,000 + HR Industry Experts and Business Leaders. The purpose of the Beta is to establish market need & demand, as well as to demonstrate Geescore™ to potential CoFounders  and Investors. If you have any questions or comments about Geescore, please reach out — Thanks, Frank Abrams Founder CV

Geescore™ is revolutionary. We are looking for Co-Founders and Investors who believe Geescore™ can revolutionize HR, and fundamentally change how people find work, and how Companies find great people. The speed of Internet connectivity, as well as fast, low cost computer processing, are the facilitators making Geescore possible.

Geescore™ delivers Jobseeker scoring results, through multiple channels.

(1) an embedded javascript widget in any job posting anywhere, as well as

(2) a javascript widget in branded job boards, browser extensions and branded mobile apps.


We can score a Jobseeker for any job posting, anywhere in about 3 seconds.




The Geescore™ scoring algorithms, and the machine learning processes to improve them, are founded on intelligence from real world recruiting and hiring experience.

Unlike most HR Tech product and service innovation, Geescore ™ is not targeted to enterprise integration.


Products & Pricing


The Geescore™ promise to a Jobseeker is Never Apply for a Job Again™. A high score triggers a facilitated connection to the Hiring Manager.

Geescore™ is used by Jobseekers…

to get their score for any job posting, anywhere. In a job board. In a list view of jobs. In a web job posting. In a mobile app.


For a Hiring Manager, Geescore™ is an easy, low-cost, hyper-fast way to find the top scoring Jobseekers, for any job posting.

Geescore™ is used by HR teams (Jobposters)…

to score their own candidates for free, and to boost their job postings in social networks, and external job boards. Geescore™ Browser Extension. Geescore™ works on any job posting, anywhere, in a job posting, or in a job board list view. The Geescore™ widget includes functionality for Company Reputation Management, as well as Jobseeker referrals.

Top Product Features & Benefits

  1. Geescore™ is an automatic Jobseeker scoring tool
  2. Geescore™ is hyper-fast (3-4 seconds as of Jan 2019)links, and
  3. Geescore™ works with any job posting, anywhere
  4. Geescore™ works with any Jobseeker
  5. Geescore™ is based on matching science (tags), as well as over 12 real world recruiting parameters
  6. Geescore™ automatically improves based on machine learning
  7. Geescore™ helps Jobseekers improve their scores by adding data, sharing links, and filling in missing information
  8. Geescore™ is easy to use, free to try, low cost and low commitment for Jobposters to use: 3 days $20 per job posting
  9. Geescore™ complements any HR system in use
  10. Geescore™ includes Company Reputation Management and Jobseeker Referrals

Development and Business teams working on Geescore™ :

  1. Widget, Webpage, Job Boards, Browser Extensions, Mobile App
  2. R Tool, dashboard, database
  3. Parse, Score
  4. Beta operations, business

Contractors have no IP claim

Frank Abrams Founder Self-Evaluation

My strengths

  1. ideation & innovation
  2. patience
  3. talent sourcing & leadership
  4. persistence
  5. not quitting – completing efforts
  6. quality focus

My weaknesses

  1. bookkeeping
  2. patience
  3. not money focused
  4. independent – resistant to authority
  5. INFJ – introverted, loner
  6. don’t trust others easily

The CoFounder Opportunity

Looking for…

  1. someone who does a lot of thinking about the Geescore™ concepts, services, pricing, distribution channels, products.
  2. someone who loves the opportunity and sees how they can make it much, much better, and contribute to our success.
  3. someone better than me (Frank Abrams IP Founder);
    • deal track record,
    • hands-on operational experience
    • business network,
    • investor connections; VC, Corporate VC, Angels, Funds


  1. not maintaining open communication channels
  2. abandoning the role; stopping to spend time and effort on the opportunity
  3. conflict of obligation or side deals
  4. unprofessional; cancelling commitments without discussion
  5. balance sheet lenders, rent seekers

Geescore™ Project Risk

This graphic assesses the Geescore™ startup risk

Split of Duties between CoFounder Executive & IP Founder

This graphic indicates the anticipated split of duties between CoFounder leadership and IP Founder, Frank Abrams

To see detailed information about our program for distribution of the Geescore™ solution, please visit our Web Publisher resource pages.

The current burn rate is about US $ 8,000 a month (development, hosting etc,). There is no debt. Geescore™ is not incorporated in any jurisdiction.

Do you already have some ideas to make Geescore™ a success?

Do you question assumptions or market demand?

Is Geescore™ for you? If not… who do you know that would be a perfect Co-Founder or Investor?

Let’s talk some more.

Frank Abrams

416 733-3001


Do you publish websites?
You can add Geescore™ Jobseeker scoring to your websites.
Check out the Geescore™ Program